FREE Standard Shipping for all USA Orders!
- Most US based orders are shipped directly from our warehouse within 24-48 hrs for your convenience and maximum efficiency.
- Your product will arrive within 3 to 10 Business Days in the US.
- Your product will arrive within 5 to 15 Business Days in Canada.
- Your product will arrive within 5 to 15 Business Days in the UK, Ireland and European Union including Russia.
- Your product will arrive within 10 to 20 Business Days in Australia, New Zealand and most Southeast Asian countries.
- Your product will arrive within 10 to 25 Business Days in Africa and Central & South America.
- All International (Non-US) orders incur a $5.99 shipping charge which are shipped via standard US Mail or Ascendia International Shipping and may take 2-3 weeks to arrive. Each additional item ordered incurs only an extra $3.50 in extra shipping charges.
- All Canada orders incur a $3.99 shipping charge which are shipped via standard US Mail or Ascendia International Shipping and may take 1-2 weeks to arrive. You pay an extra $1.69 in shipping per extra bottle ordered. So order more so you can save!
We offer a 100% Satisfaction guarantee or your money back. Please contact us for return requests.
Taxes, Duties and Fees for International Shipments
For all UK, Europe and other international orders: All items entering a foreign country are subject to customs inspection and assessment of duties, taxes, and fees in accordance with that country's national laws. The recipient of the mail piece is the only one who can pay the customs fees.
It is important to understand that, if duties and taxes are assessed on an item mailed via your local Postal Delivery service, they are collected from the recipient. Postage is charged to cover the expense of delivery only. Postage does not cover charges assessed by customs in the destination country.
That means that when receiving your package you may be asked to pay any sales taxes, duties and other fees depending on your country's laws.